I got scammed I've been saving up for the only place that delivers Korean food to my area It was pricy But as a huge OG mukbang fan, a chance to have real seaweed soup for my almost birthday (tradition in Korea) was worth it And my gut really needed kimchi And I was excited to try bulgogi at home They had a high minimum charge so I added some sushi for my brother (it was general asian cuisine, that should've clued me in) They had decent enough ratings on the delivery platform When the food was late I looked up the restaurant location on Google I've never seen anything rated 1 on Google The horror stories The hairs, the simultaneously raw and overcooked meat Apple sauce as dressing Leaky soggy boxes Not a restaurant but a delivery kitchen I went back to the delivery platform and checked their ratings and discovered the same guy kept posting 5 star reviews after every complaint to manipulate the system Smol anxiety attack The food eventually arrived, leaky soggy boxes-- no hairs -- meat was cooked They did use apple sauce Weird sour cabbage that wasn't kimchi Not seaweed (some kinda herb) soup that was too salty to eat I talked to the delivery platform support person and explained what happened and they gave me a teeny voucher that I have to use in the next two weeks They said they'll be escalating it and will check for discrepancies in ratings for other restaurants I don't like confrontation and feel like a Karen My brother says I'm not being a Karen I poked and ate the bits that seemed safe Heartburn meds close by Am I a Karen? I'm not a Karen :( |